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DHS CISA Cybersecurity Services Briefing
December 16, 2020 at 11:00 AM

ORWARN Members - We know this is late notification for the briefing but there is good information for the water sector available that we wanted to pass along.

EPA's Water Security Division has asked the water sector associations to distribute DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) has issued Emergency Directive 21-01 ( on the widespread cyber exploitation of the SolarWinds software platform. This intrusion achieves broad penetration and long-term undetected presence in victim networks, allowing for exfiltration of victim data. Although Executive Directive 21-01 applies to Federal agencies, the recommended mitigation procedures warrant the water sector's close attention.

You may also be interested in the DHS CISA Cybersecurity Services Briefing tomorrow - Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 2:00-3:00 pm ET. This webinar will provide information on CISA's free cybersecurity services available to critical infrastructure organizations, including water and wastewater utilities. All members of the water sector are invited to participate in this free event.

CISA representatives will discuss services that include vulnerability scanning, system assessments, and penetration testing, among many more. These services identify strengths and weaknesses, with the overall intent of increasing an organization's cybersecurity posture. Many water and wastewater utilities have already taken advantage of these services, and many more could benefit from them. To register, visit

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